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7 Month | QQ叫爹爹!!!

Number of View: 1763

Current Mood:Surprised emoticon Surprised

WaWaWa~!! QQ突然識嗌”爹爹”!! WaWaWa~!!


  1. QQ, you said Dadad and Daddy so clearly..
    when will you say Mama lei?? You look more and more like your mummy now!!

  2. QQ you are super cool!!!! Wonderful! Godma misses you nei…the fat fat QQ b….love how you baby talk…hehe

  3. So Adorable – just like his yee-ma!!! Ok- maybe a bit of a stretch but hey afterall, he is my nephew!! I’m hoping his third word will be YEE-MA!!

  4. I also want to hear your voice. Miss you much!!!!!! far away, so close!

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